Monday, March 23, 2009

Sneaky Contest

This is a sneaky contest for our bloggers...

***Come into the studio and get a slip of paper from on top of the TV.

***Write your child's name on it and put it in the BLOG jug in the party room - where we give out the pretzel.

***I'll pick a paper from the jug on Thursday evening (March 26)

***The prize------ 2 SLINKY "POP TOOBS"

Thanks for checking the Blog - you'll be well informed Kindermusik families; plus, you help keep us close to the top of the list when people search for Kindermusik Mt Carmel on GOOGLE

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Go and Stop

You've had those days...
Left to his or her own devices your little one would go, go, go, all day long. That's why we stop!
Inhibitory Control Activities that encourage a child to move or stop moving in response to a cue help the child develop inhibitory control. The ability to control one’s own body movements is an important step toward developing coordination and self-discipline.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Spring Schedule09

As promised I'm posting the spring semester schedule here for your reference. Please let me know if there is anything else you'd like to see on the blog

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Why do we go and stop so much?

Inhibitory Control Activities that encourage a child to
move or stop moving in response to a cue help the child
develop inhibitory control. The ability to control one’s own
body movements is an important step toward developing
coordination and self-discipline.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The importance of repetition

Why is there so much repetition in our classes?
"Repetition continues to be important in the development of language and movement, as it is repeated experiences that reinforce the pathways of the brain. By two years of age, a toddler's cerebral cortex contains well over a hundred trillion synapses, which is actually some fifty percent more than she will keep as an adult. While new synapses form rapidly during this time frame, a 'pruning' process is also taking place. This process strengthens frequently used pathways, while deleting those that are not used. As pruning continues, it will allow your child to process thoughts and actions more quickly and efficiently" ( 1998-2001)

Sandy Slusser Photos

Sandy Slusser Photos

Sandy Slusser is returning to the studio just in time for Spring and First Communion pictures.
Reserve your 1/2 hr time slot early.

Time and Place
Date: April 19 & 25 2009
Time:8:00am - 8:00pm
Location:Kindermusik Studio

Contact Info
Phone: 339-5075