About Me

Ann, Larry & their kids - Christmas Card '09 photos by Sandy Slusser

Thank you for visiting my blog.  Let me tell you a little bit about myself...

Since I was a child I have always known what I wanted to do --- THIS! Well, not Kindermusik exactly, but this kind of thing for children. I found Kindermusik after the birth of my first child in 1998. We attended Kindermusik classes and thoroughly enjoyed them, but I knew I could bring something else to the table and create a unique Kindermusik-style all my own. This is Kindermusik with Ann Czeponis, a blend of music and fun; friendship and community; bonding and learning.This class is as much for the parents as it is for the kids.
My background is in Education.  I have an MEd from Lock Haven University in Teaching and Learning and a BS Ed from Bloomsburg University in K-8 with a concentration in Education of the Hearing Impaired and a minor in American Sign Language. I have been a PA certified teacher since 1993 attaining Level II certification with Masters equivalence in 1998. 

In addition to my Kindermusik Studio, I am an adjunct faculty member at Luzerne County Community College and an itinerant music teacher at Our Lady of Lourdes Regional school.

I invite you to view my Curriculum Vitae (resume) .
Ann Czeponis's VisualCV