Studio Policies

You can enroll at any time.  If you need to discontinue your enrollment at anytime just let us know in writing before the first of the new month. EASY! 

We are happy to offer flexible payment plans. Families can choose to pay in full, or installments (monthly, 3 installments or 2 installments)  Please note that you are committing to a full term. Installment payments are intended to offer families a bit of flexibility in this tough financial climate, they are not a month by month enrollment option.  If you suspend your enrollment there will be a $10 fee to reactivate your account.  

Our flexible scheduling allows you to come more than once per week without having to prearrange this - if you miss classes you are always welcome to make those up.  We want you to get the most bang for your buck!!!!  If you need to discontinue your enrollment at anytime just let us know in writing before the first of the new month. EASY! 

Necessities for Class
Kindermusik classes provide a full agenda for our time together, for this reason it is not necessary to bring auxiliary toys, books, snacks or drinks for your child to partake in during class.

Expectations for the Class
During the Wiggles and Giggles class each parent or caregiver is responsible for his or her own child. The Kindermusik instructor will not be supervising your child; she will lead the class and give guidance. At the Move and Groove Class parents wait together in our gathering area and the instructor will be leading your child. However, if his/her behavior makes it difficult for the other children to benefit fully, or if he/she is too uncomfortable without you, you will be asked to come into the room to assist your child.

Participation During the Class
During each class it helps if each parent or caregiver is listening carefully and focused on their own child's needs and behavior. Adults are encouraged to allow your child space while safely exploring and more directed closeness when needed.

Family and Loved Ones
We know that the significant others in your child's life may also wish to experience or observe Kindermusik with your child and we welcome them.

Non-enrolled Children
It is acceptable to bring non-enrolled children with you to class. Baby sibs are entertained by the music and movement, and big brothers and sisters often love helping out. We even have some quiet spots to complete homework or take a nap. But out of courtesy to other paying participants and the instructor any child who regularly attends a class (that is the appropriate age level for him or her), should be enrolled.

Missed Classes and Makeup Policies
If you must miss a class for any reason and would like to make it up, please feel free to come to another class of your level.

Inclement Weather
Please use the Mt Carmel Area School District as your guideline. morning classes will be cancelled if there is a 2 hour delay, or if school is closed. Evening classes will be cancelled if school is closed, dismissing early, or if evening activities are being cancelled.

If you have questions please call 339-5075 I will leave details on the voice mail. I will not call individual families - the risk of omitting someone is too great, and I'd feel horrible!

Click Here for a printable version of these policies