Every Thursday Lourdes Regional does its 80/20 Drawing
Recently the prize has been $3,000 - $5,000. We've decided we are going to get in on the action!
We will do a
lottery pool our pool name is
Kindermusik Crew$2 to get in
Your name is recorded along with 4 others who pay $2.
This group of 5 people is now the Kindermusik Crew and is entered
10 times in the weekly 80/20 (winnings to be split 5 ways)
If we have more than 5 people we'll start a
Kindermusik Crew 2 pool... come to think of it... $4 could get you 20 chances to win if you get in on both pools :-)
Some people have already paid me for several weeks - Save the hastle give me a $20 and you're in for 10 weeks!