Sunday, April 19, 2009


Knoebels Preschool Day
Wednesday May 20 10am - 2pm
Pavilion K (behind the large ferris wheel)
Handstamp $6.50 ride 11am-1:30pm
Covered Dish
All families please bring your own beverages and settings
Please RSVP if you will be able to make it
***Door Prizes ***Special Offers***Fun, Food and Fantasy :-)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

High and Low Dance

The scarf presents your child with another, different object to learn about.
How does this feel? What does it look like? What can I do with it? What happens if I put it on my head?
Your little one is on a quest to explore and discover the answers to all of these questions. It is learning in action! And as you talk with your child while you explore together, you are making it a language experience as well.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Lourdes 80/20 Lottery Pool

Every Thursday Lourdes Regional does its 80/20 Drawing
Recently the prize has been $3,000 - $5,000. We've decided we are going to get in on the action!

We will do a lottery pool our pool name is Kindermusik Crew
$2 to get in
Your name is recorded along with 4 others who pay $2.
This group of 5 people is now the Kindermusik Crew and is entered 10 times in the weekly 80/20 (winnings to be split 5 ways)

If we have more than 5 people we'll start a Kindermusik Crew 2 pool... come to think of it... $4 could get you 20 chances to win if you get in on both pools :-)

Some people have already paid me for several weeks - Save the hastle give me a $20 and you're in for 10 weeks!